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How Can Kids Help?: Helping Trees

How Can Kids Help ?

Helping Trees

Why Is this Important?

Forests cover almost a third of the earth’s surface. They are home to many kinds of plants and animals. Forests also provide people all over the world with food, warmth, building materials, medicine and more. 

Forests give us oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They help keep the earth’s temperature livable.

Deforestation is the cutting down of large numbers of trees to use the land for something else. Cutting down trees can affect the climate. After rain falls on a forest, mist rises and new rain clouds form. When forests are cut down, this cycle is disrupted, and the area grows drier.

From Go Explore 7 Ways Kids Can Help Save Trees
and from Weather Wiz Kids

Let's Hear from You!

What is the thing you would most like to do to help trees?
Re-use paper and cardboard products: 22 votes (36.07%)
Plant a tree: 34 votes (55.74%)
Have a book exchange at school to save paper: 5 votes (8.2%)
Total Votes: 61

Kids in the

What Can You Do?

Kids can save trees from being cut down by using less paper.

  • Use scrap paper for coloring and drawing
  • Use both sides of your paper
  • Use cloth napkins
  • Choose a reusable lunchbox instead of a paper bag

Re-use and create with cardboard boxes and paper towel rolls.

Use the library instead of buying books.

Plant a tree.

From Go Explore 7 Ways Kids Can Help Save Trees

Do you have any other ideas?