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What Symbol Best Represents the United States?: Q3. How do people use the United States flag as a symbol?


How do people use the United States flag as a symbol? 

How is the American flag being used in the pictures below?

  • Click on each tab below and study the picture.
  • Write a sentence in your research journal saying how the flag is being used.
  • For example, the flag in the picture to the left is being by children on Flag Day to show that they love their country. 

Image 1: Soldiers returning from war.

Copyright © 2008

Image 2: Flag displayed at a baseball game.

Public domain. Photo courtesy of Staff Sgt. Eric Wilson, Texas National Guard.

Image 3: Flag displayed at the site of Hurricane Sandy wreckage.

Public domain. Photo by Walter Jennings/FEMA.

Image 4: Flag images on stamps.

© iStock / © Edward Grajeda.

Image 5: Flag image on astronaut Joan Higginbotham’s space suit.

Public domain. Photo courtesy of NASA/JSC. 





















Image 6: Flag flying outside a home.

© istock/© Fribble.