Work with Administrators and Community: Rekha is not a top-down leader. She involves teachers and administration in discussions, and she gathers data to stay in tune with the pulse of the building, the district and the community. She is measured, thoughtful and communicative in her approach, realizing that it is only with full understanding that true innovation can take place.
"Rekha works with the District’s Department of Technology to ensure that she has an adequate budget for her programs and she advocates for her building and her students’ needs. She has also been on the board of the Byram Hills Education Foundation (BHEF) for several years. As a BHEF board member, she can work to ensure funding for her building, teachers, and students’ needs. She attends regional, state, and national conferences each year to expand her knowledge. Rekha gives back to the ed-tech community by presenting at these conferences and collaborating with other educators. She is a vital part of the Building Technology Coordinator District Technology Community and is a Lead Facilitator for the district's Professional Learning Communities. " Dr. Andrew Taylor, District Head of Technology |
Rekha’s reach is felt throughout the Byram Hills community. Second grade teacher Lily Li worked with Rekha and the district to create a PSA with wide-ranging impact. Lily Li notes, “The idea for the PSA, How to Save the Earth's Ocean Animals, was one that Rekha helped create. This PSA broadened awareness of the many things we can all do to help save ocean animals. In addition to being shown in classes and looped on our hallway monitors, we also shared the PSA on the Byram Hills Facebook page, which received over 1,500 views by the community."